GALENA is a region located in MO, and has a population of 442. This region is policed by GALENA POLICE DEPARTMENT.
The average overall crime rate for GALENA for the previous 2 years was 213 per 100,000 residents. This means that the crime rate for GALENA has been decreasing over time.
Below are its crime rates and policing statistics according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). For more specific crime statistics (NIBRS) for many US cities & counties, see Offense Statistics.
Crime Rate (Overall) | N/A | 4,506 | |
Murder Rate | N/A | 6 | |
Robbery Rate | N/A | 148 | |
Rape Rate | N/A | 30 | |
Assault Rate | N/A | 644 | |
Burglary Rate | N/A | 726 | |
Forced Entry Rate | N/A | 417 | |
Larceny Rate | N/A | 2,185 | |
Auto Theft Rate | N/A | 362 |
Overall Clearance | N/A | 28% |
Homicide Clearance | N/A | 56% |
Assault Clearance | N/A | 52% |
Rape Clearance | N/A | 38% |
Robbery Clearance | N/A | 23% |
Burglary Clearance | N/A | 12% |
Larceny Clearance | N/A | 18% |
Auto Theft Clearance | N/A | 12% |
Of the 730,000 sex offenders in the United States, there are a total of 20 sex offender(s) in GALENA.
On a per capita basis, there are approximately 4,525 sex offender(s) per 100,000 people in GALENA. This is compared to the nation-wide average of 240 sex offenders per 100,000 people.
To search the official state sex offender registry for Missouri see
Data estimated from arrests & clearances from a sample from the Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C. 2011. If missing data exist, these figures will tend to underestimate the true figures. is not responsible for the currency or accuracy of this data.