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Franklin Correctional Center

Franklin Correctional Center was constructed in 1939. This jail has an average daily population of 478. It has a capacity of 480.

Franklin Correctional Center Inmate Search,002185
Search inmates in custody at Franklin Correctional Center. View inmate details such as custody status, facility location, court date and release date.

For alternative inmate search links, try:
  • Franklin Correctional Center State Inmate Search Carolina&facility=FRANKLIN CORRECTIONAL CENTER&a=0
    Search the database of persons under the correctional supervision of Franklin Correctional Center. See offense details, custody dates, custody status, and a link to the department of corrections record.

    Who is in this Prison

    Since Franklin Correctional Center is a state correctional agency, the majority of inmates residing here are typically serving a sentence of 5 to 10 years, usually for drug or violence offenses.

    Inmate search links are hosted on external sites. If an inmate search link does not provide the inmate you are looking for, it could be that the inmate has been transferred to another jail or another prison system, entirely.

    Get Driving Directions to Franklin Correctional Center

    Franklin Correctional Center Address

    Franklin Correctional Center
    PO BOX 155
    BUNN, NC

    Franklin Correctional Center Statistics

    According to the latest jail census:

    Average Daily Inmate Population: 478
    Inmate Capacity:480
    Year Constructed:1939
    Full-Time Staff:154
    Total Staff Salaries: unknown
    See the complete statistics for this jail

    Franklin Correctional Center Visiting Hours

    Visiting hours for most state facilities occur on evenings and weekends, or weekends only. To visit an inmate in state prison, visitors typically need to be on the inmate's approved visitation list, which requires permission from the offender as well as approval from the facility. Be prepared to provide photo identification, vehicle registration, and any prior criminal convictions.

    State prisons generally have stricter inmate visitation procedures than county jails, and can include body and vehicle searches, surveillance and monitoring, and background checks. Lockdowns, disciplinary segregation or monthly visitation quotas will also deny visitation rights, so check the inmate visitation hours and procedures for Franklin Correctional Center carefully on the prison website before visiting.


  • North Carolina Department of Public Safety (Formerly Corrections)

    NC DPS

    See the website of the government agency associated with inmate records in Franklin Correctional Center. If the link is broken, feel free to leave a comment on this page.

    Facilities Administered

    North Carolina Department of Public Safety (Formerly Corrections) is responsible for the following correctional facilities. These facilities "should" be included in the inmate search tools available on the department's website.

    North Carolina State Inmate Search
    Use Inside Prison's state-wide inmate search to search over 2 million people with incarceration and correctional supervision records in select states across the country. See offense descriptions, sentencing details, current or past correctional facilities, and biographical details. This search is distinct from the county and city jail inmate search, as you can search our database of correctional supervision records directly by name.

    Bunn, North Carolina Sex Offender Search
    Search people with sexual offense records who were listed on the state sex offender registry residing in Bunn, North Carolina (FRANKLIN County). There are over 430,000 offense records in the database. Details include offense descriptions, supervision status, addresses, and biographical information.

    If you still cannot find who you are looking for, try the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Search (NSOPW), maintained by the US Department of Justice. Search sex offenders by first and last name, zip code, or geographic radius.

    BUNN, North Carolina Crime Rates
    Click above to view a range of crime rate statistics for this region, such as homicide rates, burglary rates, auto-theft rates, property crime rates, assault rates, and prostitution rates.


    BUNN Parole & Probation Agencies
    Search probation & parole agencies in this region for North Carolina.

    People Search
    Search for all people (not just inmates) by first name, last name, and state, via the people search. Search sources include several public records databases, address directories, search engines, and social media websites.

    Inmate Search News

    Search is on for inmate accidentally released from Colorado jail
    Saturday, April 8, 2017
    A Colorado inmate was able to escape jail by posing as another inmate that.

    Search for Escaped Inmate in Ellis County
    Sunday, April 2, 2017
    North Texas law enforcement officials are searching for a teen who escaped from guards in Ellis County Wednesday.

    Search underway after inmate escapes in Sabine Parish
    Sunday, April 2, 2017
    Authorities are trying to track down an inmate who escaped in Sabine Parish.

    Three inmates escape Athens County correctional facility, one apprehended
    Sunday, April 2, 2017
    NELSONVILLE, Ohio- Authorities have captured one man and continue to search for two others who escaped from SEPTA Correctional Facility in Nelsonville

    Man Accused of Helping Callahan County Inmate Escape Self-Surrenders
    Wednesday, March 15, 2017
    A man accused of helping an inmate escape from the Callahan County Jail nearly two weeks ago has turned himself in to authorities.

    Oklahoma DOC unveils new inmate search feature
    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) -  The Oklahoma Department of Corrections has unveiled a new online inmate search feature available to the public.According to the

    Search continues for Inmate who escaped from Lawrence County work release
    Thursday, March 2, 2017
    Austen Larry Williams, 29, of Town Creek, walked away from the countys maintenance shop during work detail Wednesday afternoon, Sheriff Gene Mitchell

    see all inmate search news.


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