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Prison News > The criminal justice system disproportionately punishes Black and Hispanic men, but, as Vox reports, a new study shows that underscoring that inequality can make White people less willing to change it.

The criminal justice system disproportionately punishes Black and Hispanic men, but, as Vox reports, a new study shows that underscoring that inequality can make White people less willing to change it.

Stanford University researchers conducted experiments in California and New York to study how white people respond to racial inequality in the justice system when given the opportunity to oppose specific policies. In the first experiment, White commuters in San Francisco were shown a video with inmate mugshots and told about California’s three-strikes law, which requires harsher sentencing for repeat offenders. [read the full story here]

Real Times Media, Monday, August 18, 2014
Tags: Prison Conditions & Corruption, California


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