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Gang Statistics for Grant County, North Dakota

The following page presents statistics and interpretations on the activity of gangs in Grant County in North Dakota, including information relating to overall numbers, per capita numbers, approximate gang membership, locations, and any correlations between gang activity and the demographic and socio-economic environment of Grant County, North Dakota. Use this information to draw inferences related to emerging gang problems, compare gang activity patterns between Grant County and or the US in general, investigate the root causes of gang crime, and analyze the historical trends in gang activity locally for specific regions across the United States.

Estimated Gang Risk Index: 65.7

*The Estimated Gang Risk Index uses multivariate regression to estimate the number of gangs per 10,000 people that is typical for regions with similar demographic, socio-economic, and geographic characteristics. The higher the number, the greater the gang risk. Gang risk is usually associated with the following regional characteristics:
  1. increasing gang presence over the last several years
  2. existence of gangs already in region
  3. number of single-parent families, and
  4. high proportions of youth and young adults
The average index is 7.0. Regions with actual per capita numbers (see left) that are below the Gang Risk Index have lower than expected gang activity, while regions with actual per capita numbers that are above the Gang Risk Index have higher than expected gang activity.

Summary of Grant County

Name: Grant County
Type: Rural County
State: North Dakota
Region: Midwest
Gangs per 10,000 people: 0

Demographics of Grant County

White 98.7
Black 0
Hispanic 0.3
Youth Population 9.7
Over 65 Population 21.2


Migrant Population 0%
Unemployment Rate 2.6
Percent Below the Poverty Line 18.8
Percent Working Outside County 6.9
Percent Single-Parent Families 8.7

Gang Patterns & Statistics for Grant County

Number of Active Gangs 0
Number of Youth Groups 2
Number of Gang Members 0
When Gangs First Became Known Unknown
Trend in Gang Activity* No change

Other Crime Resources

This online tool is based on:

Weisheit, Ralph A., and L. Edward Wells. GANGS IN RURAL AMERICA, 1996-1998 [Computer file]. ICPSR version. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice [producer], 2001. Ann Arbor, MI: Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2002.
* trends may be out of date

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