There are currently 18,348 people with incarceration and correctional supervision records in Idaho in our inmate, probationer, and parolee database. Choose a correctional facility (detention center, remand center, state prison, rehabilitation or treatment center) in Idaho from the list below to search inmates currently or historically residing in that facility. Choose a probation or parole office or other supervision area to search probationers and paroled inmates currently or historically under the supervision of that correctional supervision area. Inmate and offender profiles include offense descriptions, offense dates, county of sentencing, sentencing details, recent custody or supervision status, and biographical information.
1,252 people with incarceration or offense records
To search for inmates incarcerated in county & city jails, and state and federal prisons (not necessarily sex offenders), use the Inmate Search tool. The county jail database contains links to almost 3,000 county jails and detention facilities, while the state inmate search contains incarceration profiles of over 2 million inmates, and probationers or parolees currently or historically under correctional supervision.
To search for sex offenders recently listed on state sex offender regstries, use the sex offender search tool. There are over 430,000 people in the database.