The Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire is a 29-item scale for assessing physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility among male and female adults. It is based on the original Hostility Inventory (Buss and Durkee, 1957), retaining many of the former's original items, but including more for greater clarity and for developing a larger pool of items. Preliminary studies showed that the BPAQ is composed of 4 factors (or subscales): Physical Aggression, Verbal Aggression, Anger, and Hostility. The BPAQ showed good test-retest reliability (between 0.72 and 0.80) for the total scale score and each subscale before and after a 9-week interval using 372 subjects. Pilot studies using 1,253 subjects also showed good reliability and internal consistency of the questionnaire, with Physical Aggression at 0.85, Verbal Aggression at 0.72, Anger at 0.83, Hostility at 0.77, and the total BPAQ score at 0.89. Items are scored on a Likert-type rating scale ranging from 1 (extremely uncharacteristic of the individual) to 5 (extremely characteristic of the individual). The following scale is intended for research or informational purposes only.