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Attitudes About Electronic Monitoring Survey

The Attitudes about Electronic Monitoring Survey measures the degree to which case workers, correctional staff, legal professionals and other employees in the criminal justice system view the deterrent effectiveness of electronic monitoring, its ethical suitability, and its ability to adequately punish or sanction offenders for the crimes they have committed. It is composed of 13 questions and takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Payne, Brian K., DeMichele, Matthew, & Okafo, Nonso. (2009). Attitudes about electronic monitoring: Minority and majority racial group differences. Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol 37(2), 155-162. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2009.02.002
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Item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1 Electronic monitoring deters crime in general.
2 Electronic monitoring as a threat keeps those who have been on it from committing future crimes.
3 Electronic monitoring as a form of punishment is too lenient.
4 Electronic monitoring is an effective method of punishment.
5 Electronic monitoring is a severe punishment because it restricts the offender's mobility.
6 Electronic monitoring ensures that the offender is punished.
7 Electronic monitoring is an effective method of controlling offenders.
8 Electronic monitoring is dangerous because it's too easy to escape.
9 Electronic monitoring discriminates against the poor because they may not have phones.
10 Electronic monitoring turns the home into a prison.
11 Electronic monitoring is more likely to be given to middle-class or wealthy offenders.
12 Electronic monitoring perpetuates a racist judicial system.
13 Electronic monitoring is unfair because the wealthy stay in nicer arrangements than the poor.


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