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Sp: Morehead, Kentucky | Justifiable Homicide Statistics

Sp: Morehead is a city located in Kentucky, and has a population of 0. Below are crime statistics for Justifiable Homicide, according to the FBI's National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 2010-2011. For more general crime rates for even more cities, counties, and regions across the US, see Crime Rates by City.

Justifiable Homicide Statistics

Statistic Sp: Morehead USA
Justifiable Homicide Rate N/A (per 100,000) 0.09(per 100,000)
Average Victim Age 40 36.1
Typical Location Residence/Home Residence/Home
Typical Time of Day 1:00 AM 6:00 AM
Typical Victim Acquaintance Stranger
Typical Weapon Handgun Handgun
Typical Victim Race White White
Typical 1st Injury None None
Typical 2nd Injury None None
Typical 3rd Injury None None
Note: crime statistics are estimates only and should be considered at your own risk. Data may not be representative, especially for rare crimes with small sample sizes or for lesser-populated regions. For more information on the National Incident-Based Reporting System, see the FBI's NIBRS Technical Specification.

Crime Statistics by Offence



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