For a map of prison locations and a list of gang reports, see Crips Prison Gang ReportsPrison Gang News
Gang Profiles
Prison Gang Reports
The Crips started as a street gang in Los Angeles when Raymond
Washington and Stanley Tookie Williams set up the gang in
1969 in East Los Angeles. Stanley Tookie Williams was co-founder of the Crips when he was only 17 years old, and given the death
penalty in San
Quentin State Prison, California on December 13, 2005. Raymond Washington,
co-founder, was murdered in 1979.
The Crips spread to Texas prisons in the 1980s.
Like the Bloods, because the Crips have no written constitution,
they are officially labeled a "security threat group"
in prison, not a gang.
Some have said the word "Crip" allegedly came about
after a woman in a Los Angeles housing project filed a report
against two young teenage thieves, (including founding member
Raymond Washington) descrtibing one of her assailants as a
"crip with a stick," meaning a cripple with a cane.
However, other sources indicate that the word derives from
"Crib," from the Baby Avenue street gang that became
the Avenue Cribs gang, located in the Central Avenue area
of Los Angeles in the late 1960s.
Rivalries have been reported with:
- Bloods
- Latin
- some Hoover Crips members have clashed in the past with
members of the 18th Street Gang, however user sources
indicate that they are not rivals, and actually share the
same hood.
- Trinitarios
Prominent Locations
Hundreds, if not thousands, of incarcerated members, mostly African American, operate in Southern California and across North America, including:
Various youth detention camps in California have also historically housed both Crips and Bloods members, including:
As of 2005, 30,000 Crips street members were operating in
221 cities across the nation. About 12,000 street members
operated in Los Angeles about 1,000 lived in New Jersey as
of 1996, where they had operated a stronghold in East Orange.
There is also a "Long Beach Crips" chapter that
have been reported to operate in Colorado prisons, with a
faction called the "Ruthless Ass Gangsters" in Prospect
Lake, Colorado. The Columbia Villa Crips operate out of Portland, Oregon. Over 300 members allegedly reside in Price, Utah.
Crips began to spread to Canada in the early 1990s. In Ontario, Toronto's North York was early known to carry the New Born Crips, and
Toronto's Islington and Rexdale neighborhoods have also been
active Crips turfs reported by user sources. A 1997 murder
of a 14 year-old teen in Victoria, BC was later attributed
to the Crips. The East Side Crips have been reported in East
Kildonan, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The full breadth of the Crips cannot be captured here, but
to view and submit locations of individual chapters, see the
"Factions" section below.
Factions have included:
- 132nd Shotgun Gangsta Crips aka (tha duece) located in the Bronx, Castle Hill area of New York. The 133rd Paybacc Crips are also located here.
- 177th Kitchen Crip Alliance (k.c.a) - started in 177th Parkchester, New York. The o.g. was 16 at the time with members as low as 9 years old. 60 active members were in
- 187 Crips, South Dallas, Texas, and California
- 187 (e.c.w) Eastside Crip Warriors started in 2003 in Monroe County, New York.
- 209 Laos Crips - a Laotian gang in Central California
- 287 Lao Boyz Crips based out of Oklahoma City, OK
- 52nd H.G.C. (5 Deuce AKA Hoover Gangster Crips - reportedly
the only Hoover gang that stayed Crip without going to Criminal)
- 52 Hoova Crip Gang - Port Arthur Texas
- 619 Crips, Laotian gang in San Diego, CA
- 74 Hoover Criminal Gang - Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NYC
- 83 Killer Gangsta Crips
- 98 M.S.M. - 98 Main Street Eastside, South Central. Mafia Crip Gang
- Asian Boy Crips, a Hmong gang based out of Twin Cities, MN
- Asian Boyz (ABZ), Sioux Falls, SD
- Asian Crips, a Hmong gang reported in Twin Cities, MN, but reportedly based out of Fresno, California
- Asian Neutral Boys (ANB) crip set in Wausau, Wisconsin
- Asian Royal Crips
- Atlanta Drive Crips
- Avenue King Crips (Lynn, MA)
- Bad Boy Crips, a Hmong gang based out of Milwaukee and
Sheboygen, WI
- Bay Mills Crips, Scarborough, Ontario
- Black Mob Crips (BMB)
- According to user sources, the Black Mob Crips have
bases of operations in Los Angeles, New York, Virginia,
Washington DC, Maryland, and Detroit
- Lithia Springs High School gang in Lithia Springs,
Georgia, associated with the Crips. A BMB gang has also
been reported in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
- CVC Crips (Clarview Crip). According to user sources,
this is the largest Crip set in Edmonton,
- Certified Gangstas (CG) - Crip gang in Southside Fort
Worth, Texas
- Compton Crips
- Crack Down Posse, Montreal faction that began in the early
- Crip Cartel
- Crip Queens, a female Hmong gang in Twin Cities, MN
- Crip Rydaz, Hmong gang in Oklahoma and Wasau, WI
- Dangerous Oriental Crips, Laotian gang in San Diego, CA
- EastSide Crazy Oriental Thugz (C.O.T). Began in San Diego, California, on 38th st., 46th st. and 50th st.
- Eastside Disciples Crips, Vancouver, BC
- Eastside Mafia Crips, allegedley to have begun activity in 2007 in the eastend of Ottawa.
- Eastside Parkside Gangsta Crips (p.s.g.c) (started in the Bronx, Castle Hill section of New York with rivalry reported with the Westside Piru Bloods
- Eight Tray Gangster Crips (began 1974)
- Fairfax
- FCB ( Full Clip Boys ) Crip gang based in Michigan
- Four Corner Bloc Crip (4CBC) - Long Beach, CA
- G-$tone Crips
- Ghetto Boys, a Toronto set in Jamestown
- GSC - Ghetto Soldiers Crips, Toronto, Ontario
- Glendower Crips - Scarborough, Ontario gang, rivals of
the Bay Mills Crips.
- Grape Street Crips
- Graveyards
- Great Grand Master Crip, California
- Harlem 30's, LA, California
- Hilltop Crip Gang (HTGC) - "very frequent" inside Shelton Correctional Facility, Washington, with numbers approximately 50-100. Also reported inside Mcneil Islands
Correctional Center, Washington, but only low frequency and not more than 20 members.
- Hoover Crips (covering 43rd to 112th streets in L.A.)
- Hoova Duece Crips, Houston, TX
- Imperial Courts Crips
- Inglewood Village Crips, Inglewood, California
- Insane Deathrow Gangsta Crips
- Insane Crip Gang - locations needed
- Jamestown (Doomstown) Crips, in Toronto's Jamestown, rivals with Rexdale's Mount Olive Crips since 2000.
- Junior Crips, another set in Toronto
- Lake Como Crips (LCC) - Based on the westside of Fort Wort, Texas
- Kansas Street Crips
- Kerby Blocc Crips
- Killa Code Regime Crips, Queens NY
- King Mafia Crip, a Hmong gang based out of Twin Cities, MN
- Kitchen Crips (from Central Avenue to Compton Ave. in L.A.)
- la Cinco Tras Familia (Five Three) - West end, Lakeshore Blvd West and Mimico Ave, in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario
- Lao Boy Crip, a Laotian gang based out of Dallas, TX
- Lao Crip, a Laotian gang based out of Orange County, CA
- Lao Pride Gangsta Crips (multiple states) noted in St. Louis, Missouri, and Rhode Island
- Ledbury-Banff Crips - The Ledbury Banff Crips allegedly began in 1999 in the South end of Ottawa as the "Junior Crips")
- LDP Providence Crips, based in providence, RI
- Linda Vista 13 TLS (LV 13 TLS)
- Loco Crip, a Hmong gang based out of Twin Cities, MN
- Lay Low Crips (the largest Crips sets in Salt Lake City in the 1990s)
- LCB ( Locos Baddest Crip) based in Wausau Wisconsin
- Mafia Crips (MC's), reported in Edmonton, Alberta
- Main Street Mafia Crips, Los Angeles, CA - Michael Rowles helped found the gang while still in his early teens
- MOD Menace of Destruction - Hmong gang since 1979
- Neigborhood Crips Los Angeles,CA
- Oriental Boys Soldiers (OBS44 OBS50 OBS47) - San Diego Cambodian Crip gang
- Outlaw Crips (around Central Avenue and Vernon in L.A.)
- Mansfields
- Mother Natures Mistakes - a Toronto set of the Crips in
Jamestown, Toronto
- Mount Olive Crips, a Rexdale, Ontario set, and rivals
with the Doomstown (Jamestown) Crips since 2000.
- New Born Crips - a Toronto group that developed in the
early 1990s, which, as of 1998, had 70 known members.
- Nutty Block Crips, in Los Angeles
- Oriental Killer Boys, Laotian gang in San Diego, CA
- O.B.G.N.S.C= Original Baby Gangster Northside Crip, Columbia, S.C., also known as the Northside Loccs.
- Oriental Mobster Crips, Laotian gang in San Diego, CA
- Original Gangster Crips - noted in the early 1990s in Little Rock, Arkansas, Once rivals of the Westside Bloods.
- Parc Village Compton Crips
- Piatt street Gangster Crips, 19th street, Wichita KS.
- Renegade Nieghborhood Crips (Manhattan, Harlem, Lennox ave, NYC)
- Rich Town Crips, a mixed Hmong-Laotian gang based outof Central California
- Rollin 20 NHC (R20^llin) known in Cincinnati, Ohio and West Covington, Kentucky
- Rollin 20s - Long Beach
- Rollin Sixties
- Rollin 60's Neighborhood Crips, some members relocated
from Los Angeles to start a hood in Cincinnati, Ohio
- Ruthless Lao Posse, Laotian gang in San Diego, CA
- Queen Street
- Santana Block Crips - noted in Folsom State Prison
- Saskatoon West Side Crips
- Smurfs - Soldiers Must Use Ruthless Force, a Crips set founded in New York in the 1970s. Reported also in Los Angeles and New Orleans.
- South Side Crips
- Tiny Oriental Crips, Laotian gang in Linda Vista, CA, San
Diego, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arkansas, North Carolina, Kansas
City, and Texas.
- Tongan Crips (now the largest Crips set in Salt Lake City)
- Totally Gangster Crips, a Hmong gang in Wisconsin
- Totally Mafia Crips, a Hmong gang in Wisconsin
- True Asian Crips, a Hmong gang in Wisconsin
- True Califronia Crips - Orange County, New York, and across the east coast
- True Crip Gangster, a Hmong gang in Twin Cities, Minnesota
- True Local Crips, a Hmong gang in Twin Cities, MN
- True Lady Crips, a female Hmong gang in Twin Cities, MN
- Underground Gangster Crips (UGC) - Indianapolis
- Uzi Crew Crips - Toronto, Ontario
- Versai Gangsta Crips (VGC), New Orleans
- Westside Crips, a Hmong gang in Eau Claire, MN
- Westend Mafia Crips, in Birmingham, Alabama
- West 59th Street Hoova Crips, Baltimore, Maryland cased off of 8 Trey, 83rd Street, Los Angeles
- Winton Terrace Crips, based in Cincinnati, OH