Regional Gang Patterns in Illinois
Choose a county, city, village or town from the list of regions below to view more detailed statistics on gang activity for that region. Statistical data include (where available) at the time the data were collected: number of active gangs in the region, number of youth gangs in the region, number of active gang members in the county, the approximate time period at which gangs first appeared in the county. With all statistics are comparisons with state and national data on the same measures, detailed demographic and socio-economic data for the region, and a selection of correlations between these data and the gang trends, themselves.
Sources: Weisheit, Ralph A., and L. Edward Wells. GANGS IN RURAL AMERICA, 1996-1998 [Computer file]. ICPSR version. Normal, IL: Illinois State University, Dept. of Criminal Justice [producer], 2001. Ann Arbor, MI: Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2002.
Gang Activity By County & City
Gang Patterns by State