Prison News | North Dakota
Recent events, organized by category (below) or region/state (right), concerning the corrections industry in North Dakota. Comments, suggestions and contributions (below) appreciated.
Education & Rehabilitation
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Executions, Death Row & the Death Penalty
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Gangs in Prison
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Health & Medical Treatment
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Prison Classification, Placement, & Release
Dealing with jail crowding to be costly for county
The number of inmates has grown along with the population in the region, which is on the fringe of the booming oil patch. The jail has 104 beds but was housing more than 150 inmates. The state Corrections Department this week told the county to address the problem....[
Associated Press, Saturday, November 1, 2014
N.D. incarceration rate climbing; no dramatic drop in crime rate
Putting more criminals behind bars has not led to a huge drop in North Dakota's crime rate, a new study indicates.
A Pew Charitable Trust study found that despite locking up 175 percent more people in 2014 than it did in 1994, North Dakota has seen just an 18 percent drop in its overall crime rate during that same period. It is less than half the national average....[
Bismarck Tribune, Monday, September 22, 2014
Prison Conditions & Corruption
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Prison Life & Culture
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Riots, Lockdowns & Escapes
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Suicides in Prison
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Workplace & Industry News, and Science & Tech News